Sode, a 64 household village is situated in Dhanora block, Gadchiroli district. The women’s self help group called Jai Sewa Gram Sangh comprising of 15 women have started a plant nursery with the support of The Time and Talents Club. The women have purchased nursery bags, seeds/cuttings (forest and fruit saplings ie mango, cashew, teak, karanj ), vermin compost units and a small pump to lift water from the adjoining water source to the nursery. The gram panchayat has lent them a piece of land which is water touch, and the women have enclosed the land with wooden poles and wire mess.
From the inception ie July 2019 till date ie September 30, 2020, the women have sold 15,250 saplings valued at Rs 167,950.00. Of these, 3000 were gliricidia saplings sold to 300 vermi composters to keep away rodents that feast on earthworms.10,480 were vegetable saplings and other kitchen garden plants.
The women underwent a 20 hour training in piggery, and there after procured 4 sows and 1 male pig of the Yorkshire breed. They were linked to ashram schools and vegetable markets for waste food collection, as well as to the local government veterinary doctors. The pigs are regularly medically examined, vaccinated and are healthy. 3 sows delivered 19 piglets. So the current status is 4 adult sows, 1 male pig and 19 piglets. The women have not yet sold any pigs. They would like to sell the live piglets when they are matured. The income projected is Rs 12,000/- per live sow.
During this period the women diversified their enterprise. They got trained in vermi composting and installed 10 vermi bed. Besides using the vermi manure in the nursery and in their own paddy fields, until September 30, 2020, the women have sold 15,240 kgs to farmers and earned Rs 152,400.00. The women have set up drums to harvest earthworms too.
In February, the women utilized the vacant space to organically grow vegetables like tomato, chilly, brinjal. Until July 2020, the women sold 231 kgs of vegetables valued at Rs 14,060.00.
As on September 30, 2020, the women have earned a total of Rs 334,410.00 through various agro based enterprises, and have assets valued at Rs 100,000.00 in terms of livestock.