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KSWA IRDP — Rural Livelihood Mission Success Story Gadchiroli


Sultan Varah Palan Success Story

After hearing about the possibility of becoming piggery entrepreneurs, 5 women from Hemalkasa village, Bhamragad block, Gadchiroli district formed a group which they called Sultan Varah Palan.

In the first week of January 2021, they underwent a 20 hour training program by the KSWA team where they also constructed a sty using wood stumps, bamboo, wire mess and plastic as roofing.

On January 7, 2021, as per the project implementation strategy, the 5 member group were handed over four sows and one boar White Yorkshire pigs aged 5 months. The women identified eateries and collected waste food and vegetables from the weekly markets to feed the pigs. By April 2021, the four sows were pregnant and delivered a total of 30 piglets in August 2021 of which 10 and 14 boar and sow piglets survived.

The women connected with the local veterinary doctor for immunization. When asked how they managed feeding the pigs during the second lockdown, they answered “We gave them home rice and husk”.

Currently the three month old piglets are suckling their mothers. Once weaned in the coming month, the four sows will get pregnant again, and 4 sow piglets will be handed over to 4 new piggery entrepreneurs.

The value of the current live stock of Sultan Varah Palan is Rs 188,000.00.

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