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42 tribal households under the village Sonale Budruk, in Wada block, Palghar district were illuminated with a solar home lighting system by KSWA Yuva Parivartan.


42 scheduled tribe families live in the forest under the village Sonale Budruk, in Wada block, Palghar district, in Kacchha houses made of Karvi sticks plastered with cow dung. Respecting The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, the tribal families have neither wells nor electricity nor toilets.

Interaction with the forest tribal inhabitants reflects the following

· As night falls, they need to light a fire fueled by wood, to keep wild animals including scorpions, snakes and leopards away. The forest is known to habour small leopards.

· The school children lag behind in studies since they are unable to study in the evenings and at night due to lack of electricity. There is a large percentage of dropouts amongst this population.

KSWA Yuva Parivartan along with a donor — The Time and Talents Club illuminated each of the 42 tribal households with a solar home lighting system consisting of three lights and a mobile charger.

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